New Co-Editor at JoEP

I am happy to report that Eldad Yechiam, from Technion university, has now become a Co-Editor of the Journal of Economic Psychology. After the transition phase where I managed the journal as sole Editor in Chief, we are now back to normal with a team of two Co-Editors sharing the responsibilities. Eldad hails from psychology, but we both share an interest on decision making, which I am sure will percolate to the journal’s effective scope. Welcome, Eldad!

Of course, I am also selfishly looking forward to recovering a bit of my time. In spite of playing all the cards that time management had to offer, if the experience of being a sole Editor in Chief for half a year has taught me anything, is that it is a bit too much for a single person, both in terms of load and in terms of responsibility and nerves. After all, desk-rejecting more than a paper a day on average is not a nice experience, not matter how necessary it might be.

But above all, I am happy that we will soon be talking about the new directions the journal will explore and the new challenges it will embrace. As a sole editor, I decided to focus on stability and ensuring a smooth transition. As part of the co-editor team, it is time to talk business, and Eldad and I will soon start working on the traditional Editorial detailing our views on the journal.

Stay tuned!

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